Sunday, August 31, 2008


Erica had her first gymnastics class on sat. I was not sure what to expect but it was great. She got to experience the floor with tumbling mats, she was learning to do sommersault and handstand( of course with moms help). We also we on the trampoline - which for an 8 month pregnant lady was quite interesting. She got to play in the foam blocks by the trapeze- though we did not venture to that well as the horizontal bar- she practiced holding herself up while mom brought her hips up. I do not have any pics sorry to say- Jimmy was at a wedding in wisconsin so I could not chase little Erica around and take pics- maybe next week. I can't wait to see what next week will brin but we are doing some practicing at home.
As for mommy I had my MD visit last week on Thursday and the MD told be that the baby is breech right now- he said theres -plenty of time fo the baby to turn though--- I hope so. I am 32 weeks so a few more weeks and we will talk about the options availabe.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello all- things here have been busy with trying to get the new babies room together- our furniture came in early!! This is amazing if anyone remembers the huge problems we had with Erica's furniture. So we painted and Brian - Melissa's husband put up a chair rail which looks great now the furniture will be here wed. I can't beleive how it is looking more and more like a baby boy room. Don't worry I will post pics next week.
As for me and the baby we are doing well I am 31 weeks as of friday and can't believe how mych this baby is moving compared to Erica sometimes I feel he wants to pop out through my belly. As I get bigger it is more difficult to be playing on the floor with Erica and as most of you know Erica like to use me as her jungle gym!! She is so cute though!! Erica has been changing by leaps and bounds- she still only has her cute four teeth that just keep getting bigger, I am wondering when the rest will appear? She has been walking for about 1.5 weeks now- it is so cute!
I was there to witness the first few steps so I was thrilled- she has been going back and forth between walking and crawling though since she is still much faster as a crawler. She is so cute how she gets herself into her standing position with this large squat she has good strong legs. She is going to start tiny tots gymnastics also at the end of the month. I can't wait this will be something that we can continue through the winter months when it is cold outside and also something that we can to spend special tim with Erica after the new baby arrives.
So many things though so little time to do everything. I also have to cath up on my scrapbooking. I will post some shots this weekend of the baby room as well as Erica walking-

Here are some cute zoo pics..

Erica is having so much fun being an animal!

She is taking a few steps here to mommy..

She loves her water table she plays almost everyday- thanks auntie amanda

I love my doggie

me and my mommy

I love her in these pigtails- she loves to brush her teeth..