Erica had her first gymnastics class on sat. I was not sure what to expect but it was great. She got to experience the floor with tumbling mats, she was learning to do sommersault and handstand( of course with moms help). We also we on the trampoline - which for an 8 month pregnant lady was quite interesting. She got to play in the foam blocks by the trapeze- though we did not venture to that well as the horizontal bar- she practiced holding herself up while mom brought her hips up. I do not have any pics sorry to say- Jimmy was at a wedding in wisconsin so I could not chase little Erica around and take pics- maybe next week. I can't wait to see what next week will brin but we are doing some practicing at home.
As for mommy I had my MD visit last week on Thursday and the MD told be that the baby is breech right now- he said theres -plenty of time fo the baby to turn though--- I hope so. I am 32 weeks so a few more weeks and we will talk about the options availabe.
As for mommy I had my MD visit last week on Thursday and the MD told be that the baby is breech right now- he said theres -plenty of time fo the baby to turn though--- I hope so. I am 32 weeks so a few more weeks and we will talk about the options availabe.