Well things have been busy here since the last update! I have been super busy now back to work and finding time to do anything extra is tough. Aaron is doing well he is alomost 4 months and I can't wait till we can start some cereal for him...he went through a growth spurt last weekend that just about killed me! He eats so much more than Erica ever did it is amazing. We have put him in the bebe pod and he likes it, grandma got him a little ferris wheel type toy that we stick to the center and he reaches, graps and spins it. He is doing well with tummy time as well. We have his 4 month appointment on the 20th of this month - I can't wait to see how much he has gained! Aaron is sleeping better recently though we are going to need some ear plugs soon because he is not a good nap taker- (just like Erica)
Erica just turned 19months and she is sleeping well- usually 7-7 though sometimes more like 730 recently to go to bed. She is talking more and becoming more interested in her potty chair which is reassuring! She oves her gymnastics class runs and plays so well- I am glad we enrolled her again. She gets to play with a few of her frieds as well John, Dylan, and Brie are all in her class too! Erica just saw a cardiologist yesterday because she had a murmur. Well see was a champ because she had an EKG and ECHO done and she did awesome sitting still for the MD. She has a muscular VSD- VSD is a ventral septal defect and hers is tiny....so it will not affect her in any way and there is a chance it can still close on its own. we don't have to go back for a f/u with him for 3 YEARS!
I will have to post pics soon have to sort through the many that I have taken