Wow, it has been more than a year since I updated! Things over the past year have been great, we took our first family vacation to disney World in Oct where Aaron and I celebrated our birthdays. Both Erica and Aaron are in gymnastics running around having fun. In the summer I did another triathlon which improved my time by 12 mins the year previous. I have made a job change for the better. Jimmy and I have been enjoying tim with the kids an some much needed adult time when we can. We had to sadly say goodbye to my little babe this year, she was in renal failure and was not doing well. She was a great cat though, having had her since I was 18 she was so friendly especially to those who did not want her by them : ) There are many fun things to come this year- Erica and Mia are in dance together and they have a recital this June. Jimmy and I are going to Las Vegas in April- maybe we will win it BIG- yeah right! Planning on running and possibly doing another triathlon again this summer. Hope to plan a few more small trips this summer. Will update pics soon.