Saturday, December 29, 2007


Erica got so many great toys and clothes. She did actually open a presnt herself she ripped open the paper. She just wanted to eat the paper of course not interested in the awesome gift that lay beneath the wrapping paper. Here are a few pics of her with her gifts!

Erica looks so pooped here!

Christmas Eve 2007

Christmas eve is when my family celebrates christmas, everyone came to our house for the celebration. We has tons of food-- ham, clams, shrimp, beer bread, cheesy bread and many other apps. We always start off the night with food, drinks, and chit chat while the kids play and then around 7 pm we start the gift giving. Every year is a new Santa that passes out the presents, last year was Aunt Suzy and this year we drew out of a hat and it was Sal. All the kids bring the gifts to santa who reads the gift tag.

I am so excited to share all of the memories and traditions that Jimmy and I cherish with Erica. To look at her and know that she is our most precious gift it is the best feeling and especially at Christmas!

Here are a few of the pics of all of the families that were celebrating on christmas Eve.

Uncle Pat, Beth, Shannon, and Grace

Uncle John, Suzy, John and George

Venessa and Kathryn

val joe and kathryn

Erica, Mom, Great Gram, Aunt Kathryn, Aunt Val, Gram, Great Aunt Lois

Aunt B, Mom, Uncle John and Uncle Pat

Mom and dad

Grace, Erica, Tony, Little John, Shannon, George, Hunter, and Kathryn

auntie becky pics

Auntie Becky came over to get some pics of us for the christmas card but miss Erica had other plans, she was very smiley when the Graske family arrived but when it was time for pictures she did not want to smile for the camera! We got one good one with mommy and Erica but I could not send out a card with just me and Erica.
Erica and Mommy! Look at that smile
Here is Mia and Erica there is 11 months seperating them it is such a huge difference right now but when these two little girls are toddlers and older it will be less aparent! I can't wait for the trouble that lies ahead from these little munchkins!!

Breakfest with Santa

This year we went to the Breakfest with Santa that Jimmy's union has every year. Erica did so well with Santa at the mall I knew she would be good here too, it is next year that we worry about/. The mall Santa was great, Jimmy and I have gone to see him ourselves for the past few years and he is always so nice. Erica must have felt the same way because she had a huge smile on her face. Not so great with the santa at breakfest but that's ok.

All the kids got build a bears and a huge bag of candy this year the bears are so cute they have a tee shirt on that says breakfest with santa 2007.

She had on her Santa outfit that grandma gave her, she matches santa pretty well!

go Bears!

I though this was such a cute picture- Erica was playing in the exersaucer and jimmy threw his bears hat on her. I love her smile she is so precious!!! To bad the Bears are not doing that well though they did beat green bay twice! I guess there is always next year.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Five Months

I cannot believe my little peanut is five months old. I found a newborn diaper today while cleaning and could not believe how much has changed in this short five months. The newborn diapers were so big on her when we brought her home and now they look so tiny! Erica is changing everyday. She has been getting more and more hair it is so weird the top is light colored while the back is still dark from when she was born! She is working on sitting she is tripoding" but soon hopefully sitting on her own. She does like to stand of course with help but it is a nice change for her. we took her to see Santa this weekend I will try to get them loaded this weekend. She was all smiles of course, next year she may wonder who is this big man in the red suit holding me! YIKES!

We have been trying new foods with her she does like the sweet potatos from thanksgiving though we tried green beans and this is what happened!

We also gave her peas which she wasn't a fan of either but she liked squash and then here are a few pics of her trying prunes for the first time!!