Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Five Months

I cannot believe my little peanut is five months old. I found a newborn diaper today while cleaning and could not believe how much has changed in this short five months. The newborn diapers were so big on her when we brought her home and now they look so tiny! Erica is changing everyday. She has been getting more and more hair it is so weird the top is light colored while the back is still dark from when she was born! She is working on sitting she is tripoding" but soon hopefully sitting on her own. She does like to stand of course with help but it is a nice change for her. we took her to see Santa this weekend I will try to get them loaded this weekend. She was all smiles of course, next year she may wonder who is this big man in the red suit holding me! YIKES!

We have been trying new foods with her she does like the sweet potatos from thanksgiving though we tried green beans and this is what happened!

We also gave her peas which she wasn't a fan of either but she liked squash and then here are a few pics of her trying prunes for the first time!!


Julie, Charlie, Carter, Logan & Ava said...

Watch out for those diapers after a helping of prunes...Not fun! Keep up the good work with your veggies Erica!

Becky's Blog said...

He, he Julie!! I said the same thing. The first time I gave those to Mia, an explosive diaper followed. :)

I love the pictures where Erica looks grossed out!