Thursday, January 10, 2008

6 months

Erica is 6 months old now and how that time has flown by! At her appointment we went over many things with the doctor, she can now start eating table foods- such as bread or banana, starting off slow and going from there. She was 14.4 lbs and 25 3/4 inches long. So she stayed in the 25th % for weight but went up a bit in her height. We are going to go to PT though this coming week because little Erica favors her left side and she is getting a flat spot on the left side of her head. So we are going to learn stretches for her to hopefully sleep to both sides. The MD of course said it was nothing to worry about but I don't want her neck muscles to be tight going to one side as she gets older.

Erica loves to stand though she is doing it with help of course, she finally is sitting by herself for a few seconds not for very long before she wobbles over. She also started her first swim class this week. She loves being in the water, daddy also dunked her! Erica loves to grab and pull on her toys as well as my hair. She is teething and loves to chew on anything including our fingers! We couldn't be happier with all of the wonderful things that she is accomplishing! We love her SO much.

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