Sunday, February 17, 2008

we're back

Sorry we have been MIA, things here are just crazy. It seems that this past month we hae not had a chance to settle down. Erica is 7 months now and she turned the switch on to her appetite, she is eating what seems to be all day long. She eats three meals a day including her puffs, and then her bottles. We are now weaning her from breastmilk to formula and she is doing really well. Her foods that she is eating is of course her stage two gerber food but also yogurt, cottage cheese, banana it is so much fun to see her face with new foods.
Wed. is her swim class she loves it she just floats like she has no cares in the world which is exactly how she should feel.! She is rolling an pivoting all over the floor, I know the crawling is coming, she lifts her tush up to try and oush off with her feet but gets tired. It is going to be a whole new world though once she masters it. We have bought a gate for the stairs to try and be prepared. We are also contemplating switching the car seat to her convertible seat once the weather breaks. I will post new pics soon

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