Tuesday, December 23, 2008

aarons 2 month appointment

Aaron had his two month appointment yesterday and he was especially good, the doctor was wondering if he really is a colicky baby-! He is weighing in at 11 lbs and 13oz now and is 22 in long both in the 50 %, this is so different from Erica always being in the 10th or 25th %. So he is growing well. We discussed the sleeping issues and until he is rid of the colic we really can't start sleep training, nor until he consistently is giving us a good 6 hours a night sleep. So the swing it is for a few more weeks but when mommy goes back to work he needs to be in his own bed- He did well with his shots yesterday though he was not sleepy he was up and cranky most of the night. He is sleepy today though- Have a good christmas everyone

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