Tuesday, September 30, 2008

more pumpkins pics-

Here were some pics that we took last year and I can't beleive how much has changed-- Erica looks so small compared to how she looks today. I am thankful everyday that she is here with us making our lives so full- and can't wait for the changes in pics for 2009!

Here we are measuring her--- not to happy either time



We are on the hayride to go look at pumpkins-


Erica is trying to pick up her pumpkin that she picked out....

Erica is waving bye to us....she called our bluff--daddy said we were leaving but she wanted to stay I guess.

1 comment:

mrs.monica @ RTP_inHeels said...

omg! I can't wait to hug that little girl! she's is just precious with those pigtails! And you look fab! Hope you're feeling well as the date approaches! Keep me posted!